Why Adsense Payment on Hold

Every day I get a lot of messages on Facebook, Quora, e-mail, why I have a payment on hold, today I will give you some reason because your payment is on hold.

The main reason for AdSense payments on hold is; If you change your account details or payment details after 15 months, in this case your current month's payment is run on the hold. Adsense policy clearly states that if you change your payment details after 15 months; There are some reasons for payment on hold that you stop payments;

Adsense payment on hold

Reasons for Payment of Hold

  • Change you account detail after 15th of month.
  • Incorrect Payment derail filled by you.
  • When you fix payout more than your current account balance.
  • Mismatch payee name and bank account holder.

Note: Never change your payment detail after 15th of month.